Orthodox Epiphany II/Вадохрышча (Частка ІІ)
Given the 13-day difference between the Western Christian and Orthodox Christian calendars, Epiphany — Vadokhryshcha, the day marking the Baptism of Christ and the end of Christmastide — falls on January 19 in the Orthodox cycle of the year. The focus of Vadokhryshcha is the blessing of water (symbol of the Baptism), whether collected from a river or sacred well or spring, the site of which often was holy even in pre-Christian times. People will nurse the water throughout the year to use against infections. In parts of Belarus an evergreen tree is placed in the church; in a syncretic Christian/pre-Christian practice parishioners take branches of the tree and place them under their roofs to guard against calamities, e.g., being struck by lightning, associated with the thunder god Pjarun.
Khachen’ 2007/Хачэнь 2007 год
Starazhoutsy 2007/Старажоўцы 2007 год
Sjemuradtsy 2007/Семурадцы 2007 год
Rakau 2008/Ракаў 2008 год