Orthodox Epiphany III/Вадохрышча (Частка ІІІ)
Given the 13-day difference between the Western Christian and Orthodox Christian calendars, Epiphany — Vadokhryshcha, the day marking the Baptism of Christ and the end of Christmastide — falls on January 19 in the Orthodox cycle of the year. The focus of Vadokhryshcha is the blessing of water (symbol of the Baptism), whether collected from a river or sacred well or spring, the site of which often was holy even in pre-Christian times. Following the 19th, the local priest makes the rounds of houses in the parish, blessing them and, analogous to the Roman Catholic Epiphany practice of having the priest inscribe the initials of the three Magi and the year in chalk on the front door, draws a cross with chalk on the door.
Rakau 2008/Ракаў 2008 год
Bjarezhtsy (cross still on the door in April) 2007/Бярэжцы 2007 год