Photo excursion to Mjadzjel and Pastavy Districts 2019: Lotva (Mjadzjel District), Charnjaty (Mjadzjel District), Faljevichy (Pastavy District), Vjaren’ki (Pastavy District), Narach (Mjadzjel District).
Фотавандроўка па Мядзельскім і Пастаўскім раёнах 2019 г.: Лотва (Мядзельскі р.), Чарняты (Мядзельскі р.), Фалевічы (Пастаўскі р.), Вярэнькі (Пастаўскі р.), Нарач (Мядзельскі р.).
III/VI. Lotva: World War I cemeteries (part XXIX), German cemetery.
I visited Lotva anew in 2019 following a 2018 trek along German World War I trenches in a vain search for the German World War I cemetery in the thick woods to the west of the village. This time a helpful lady in the village grocery store directed me to a local small-holder/guide, who kindly took me via the trenches to the cemetery.
The Belarus representative office of the German war graves commission (Volksbund deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge) has not yet worked to restore this cemetery. Several years ago a group of volunteers cleared the cemetery of thick undergrowth and righted many of the gravestones. However, since then saplings and undergrowth have sprung up again, making it difficult to find the place without a local guide.
III/VI. Лотва: могілкі Першай сусьветнай вайны (частка XXIX), могілкі нямецкай імперскай арміі.
The gravestones appear to be the original German ones; at almost all other German World War I cemeteries in Belarus one finds stadard cement crosses or horizontal square gravestones which the Polish authorities, financed by the Volksbund, put in place when the western Belarusian lands were part of the interwar Second Polish Republic.
Надмагільлі выгляджаюць арыгінальнымі.
Regimental memorials, probably either the 70th or 171st infantry regiment.
Палкавыя помнікі, ці 70-аму, ці 171-аму палку.