Road to Polesia. Дарога на Палесьсе.
Like so many other villages in eastern Stolin District, Vjalikaje Maljeshava is booming, with row after row of hothouses producing cucumbers for export and the streets full of farmers moving back and forth from field to garden plot. The resulting prosperity has had its effect on the village’s youth, which longs to keep up with urban trends and to affect an urban insouciance yet remains instinctively modest and dutiful.
After some gentle persuasion Mrs. Paraskjeva’s granddaughters, who had been chatting with friends on a bench outside the yard, agreed to have their portrait taken, and again with their grandmother.
Mrs. Paraskjeva’s granddaughters. Унучкі спадарыня Параскевы.
Generations. Пакаленьні.