Photos of the Day for July 31, 2022

Photo survey of the heritage of Mahiljou and Homjel’ Regions 2017.

Фотавандроўка па спадчыне Магілёўскай і Гомельскай абласьцей 2017 г.



Former hotel in vernacular art nouveau style, Parychy.

Былы атэль у стылі правінціяльнага мадэрну, Парычы.




“Soviet power was proclaimed in this building in 1917”, former hotel, Parychy.

The plaque is written in such a way that one might think Jacobins in Parychy, rather than in Petrograd, were responsible for loosing the deviancy of Bolshevism on the world.


“В этом здании в 1917 году была провозглашена Савецкая власть”, былы атэль, Парычы.