Springtime church feasts and celebrations: feast of St. John the Evangelist (I/II), Vjalikaje Maljeshava 2015.
Веснавыя сьвяты ды ўрачыстасьці: Сьвятога апостала Іаана Багаслова (I/II), Вялікае Малешава 2015 г.
The farming community of Vjalikaje Maljeshava, a major producer of cucumbers, sits in the central Pripet Marshes area of Belarusian Polesia.
The village’s late 18th-century wooden Orthodox church of St. John the Evangelist was destroyed by the Soviet authorities. Built within the last 20 years as the Orthodox parish revived and contended with a rapidly growing evangelical Protestant congregation, Vjalikaje Maljeshava’s large brick Orthodox church is named for the Birth of Christ. However, the parish continues to honor the feast of St. John (May 21 in the old Orthodox calendar) in a major celebration with the participation of many priests from the Stolin diaconate.
Children’s communion. Дзіцячае прычасьце.