Photographic survey of Karelichy District (part 1): Zapol’lje, Karelichy, Hornaja Ruta/Dol’naja Ruta, Zabalots’tsje, Rutkavichy, Navasjolki, Ljubanichy, Astashyn, Luki.
This is the first of several series of photos from explorations of Karelichy District, whose district seat lies about 60 miles/100 kilometers southwest of Mjensk.
Фотавандроўка па Карэліцкім раёне (частка I): Запольле, Карэлічы, Горная Рута/Дольная Рута, Забалоцьце, Руткавічы, Навасёлкі, Любанічы, Асташын, Лукі.
Churches of Belarus (part CCLXIX): Orthodox church of All Saints (1935-36), Dol’naja Ruta 2018.
A beautiful, and rare, example of Belarusian church architecture in the inter-war national style (a combination of functionalism, constructivism and the Zakopane style).
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CCLXIX): царква ў гонар Усіх Сьвятых (1935-36 гг.), Дольная Рута 2018 г.
A touch of Art Nouveau in the graceful line of the door handle.
Зрабная ручка дзьвярэй у сьылі мадэрн.
Graves in the churchyard cemetery.