Belarus in Faces (part CXXXIV).
Depending on the character of a village and the mix of kids, parents and grandparents, some village streets form themselves naturally into an extended agora. Azdamichy’s main street is one such lively place, especially on a Sunday evening or after a major church feast, when kids gather to talk shop or watch over younger siblings.
Беларусь у тварах (частка CXXXIV).
Pals, Easter Day, Azdamichy 2014.
Хлопцы, Вялікдзень, Аздамічы 2014 год.
Taking care of the baby, Easter Monday, Azdamichy 2014.
Дзяўкі, Сьветлы панядзелак, Аздамічы 2014 год.
What a helpful connection to that community. Thank you for showing those lovely children to us so we can see the future of Belarus in the present.
Thank you.