Photo expedition to Pruzhany and Ivatsevichy Districts 2015 (part I/VI).
Фотавандроўка па Пружанскім і Івацэвіцкім раёнах 2015 г. (частка I/VI).
Pruzhany: museum (former manor house of the Shvykouski family).
Пружаны: Пружанскі палацык (музэй у былай сядзібе Швыкоўскіх).
Our museum guide. Наша экскурсаводка.
Exhibition of wood carvings by local master carver Mikalaj Tarasjuk (this scene shows Soviet confiscation/”collectivization” of a farming family’s property). Выстава калекцыі майстра-разьбяра Мікплпя Тарасюка: савецкая канфіскацыя/калектывізацыя маёмасьці фермерскай сям’і.
Exhibition of posters from the 1970s-2000s by Belarusian artist Uladzimir Krukouski. These three posters, dealing with the chronic problem of Belarusians’ lack of knowledge of their own history and lack of reverence for the Belarusian language, date from the late Soviet regime. This was still a time when it took courage to make and exhibit posters dealing with the Belarusian nation and the fundamental differences between the Belarusian and Russian languages, concepts which the Soviet authorities, like the tsarist authorities before them, considered hostile to their occupation of Belarus.
Выстава плакатоў Уладзіміра Крукоўскага.