Orthodox feast of Holy Trinity (II/III). The church of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy marks its patronal feast on the third day of Trinity, i.e., Trinity Tuesday (June 21 in 2016).
Сьвятой Тройцы (ІІ/ІІІ). Прыход Сьвятой Тройцы ў Аздамічах сьвяткуе свой прастольны сьвяток у аўторак (трэці дзень Сьвятой Тройцы).
Anointing with holy oil. Мірапамазаньне.
Awaiting children’s communion. У чаканьні дзіцячага прычасьця.
Honoring the memory of Father Aljaksandr Varnitski (1916-2003), whose pastoral work in the face of Soviet atheism and continual attempts to close his church are revered throughout the region.
У памяці айцу Аляксандру Варніцкаму (1916-2003).