Photos of the Day for June 21, 2021

In celebration of the Eastern Orthodox feast of Holy Trinity (II/III): patronal feast of Holy Trinity, church of the Holy Trinity, Mjestkavichy (Pinsk District) 2017.  The parish in Mjestkavichy celebrates its patronal feast on Monday, the second day of Holy Trinity.  See also photos of the day for August 17, 2017.

One of the 12 great feasts in the eastern Orthodox calendar, Trinity (celebrated jointly with Pentecost) is a syncretic feast in Belarus, incorporating rites with pre-Christian roots.   These syncretic rites include spreading reeds, as symbols of fertility and the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit, on the floor of the church and in the home; and attaching birch or maple branches to the portico and walls of the church. 


Са сьвятам Сьвятой Тройцы (Сёмуха, Зелянец) II/III: прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Месткавічы (Пінскі раён) 2017 г.

Прыход Сьвятой Тройцы ў Месткавічах сьвяткуе прастольна ў другі дзень Сьвятой Тройцы (панядзелак).  Гл. таксама фотаздымкі дня 17 жніўня 2017 г.



Reeds spread on the floor of the church.

Роскід аэру.





During the liturgy (note the birch branches on the walls).

Падчас літургіі.





Blessing of the church and parishioners at the first stop of the procession.

Асьвячэньне храму й дабраслаўленьне прыхаджанаў на першым прыпынку падчас хрэснага ходу.





Kissing the cross at the conclusion of the service.

Цалаваньне крыжа.





Parish priest father Viktar (rear row left) and his wife and their daughter (front row) and assisting priests.  An Orthodox parish priest’s wife is called “matushka”, a diminutive of “mother”, and plays an important role in parish life.

Айцец Віктар (задні шэраг злева) з матушкай і іх дачкой (пярэні шэраг) з іншымі сьвятарамі, якія прымалі ўдзел у багаслужэньні.