Photos of the Day for June 27, 2014

Expedition to the concentration of ethnotoponyms (ethnically-, tribally- or geographically-related toponyms) around the district center of Ljakhavichy (Ляхавічы) in western Belarus (part IV-b):  Turki (Туркі).

Place-names derived from the word Turk or Tatar are spread widely across Belarus; evidence suggests that Tatars and other Turkic peoples first settled in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania early in the 14th century at the invitation of Duke Gediminas.

Вандроўка па этнатапонімах вакол Ляхавічаў (частка ІV-б):  Ятвезь, Вялікая Лотва, Літва, Туркі, Сакуны, Ляхавічы, Русінавічы, Жомайдзь (Клецкі р.), Мазуркі, Цыгань, Літоўка, Русіно.

Granny Maryja is 90 years old.  I was able to take her a copy of this photo a month later.  Спадарыні Марыі 90 гадоў.  Прывёз ёй копію гэтага партрэту праз месяц пасьля яе здымаў.

Those who remain in Turki work hard to keep up their homes and gardens; however, as in so many other villages many people have migrated to larger towns, leaving their homesteads untended.



  1. Does the untended land, shown in the lower photograph, belong to the family that had worked it and lived on it, or does it belong to the government.

    1. Most likely still to the family (descendants) of the original occupants.

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