The Oak. Дуб.
The oak is sacred to Belarusians and the sight of an oak gives one additional strength and inspiration on any journey.
These oak leaves provide welcome shade for the churchyard of the Orthodox church of St. Nicholas in the central Pripet village of Rukhcha in Stolin District of southern Belarus. Orthodox spring feast of St. Nicholas (Mikola – Мікола), Rukhcha 2015. Дубовае лісьце, сьвята Міколы, ля царквы Сьв. Мікалая, Рухча 2015 г.
The next day we made our annual expedition to the oak grove in Panjamon’, a well-maintained village on the River Njoman at the western edge of the Nalibaki Wilderness (Nalibotskaja pushcha – Налібоцкая пушча) in central-western Belarus. Дуброўка, Панямонь 2015 г.