Preparing the church for the all-night Easter service, Azdamichy 2019.
Прыборка царквы для ўсяночнай пасхальнай службы, Аздамічы 2019 г.
Men of the parish remove the black lace of mourning for the death of Jesus and drape the crucifixion icon with white lace in anticipation of Easter. As the scene developed it reminded me of paintings of the Deposition from the Cross.
Сцэна, якая нагадвае Зьняцьце з крыжа.
Cleaning the windows.
This scene shows the care with which parish volunteers make the church ready for Easter. At the same time the gesture recalls paintings of the offering of a vinegar- and gall-soaked sponge to Christ at the height of his agony on the Cross (Matthew 27:48, John 19:29).
Прыхаджане ўважліва прыбіраюць царкву. Адначасова гэтая сцэна нагадвае Сьвятую Евангельлю паводле Мацьвея (27:48) і Яна (19:29).