Photo expedition to Ashmjany and Smarhon’ Districts (XV/XVI): Baruny 2016.
Фотавандроўка па Ашмянскім і Смаргоньскім раёнах (XV/XVI): Баруны 2016 г.
Churches of Belarus (part CXLI): Roman Catholic (originally Greek Catholic) church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (1747-56).
Касьцёлы Беларусі (частка CXLI): касьцёл (былая базыльянская царква) Сьвятых апосталаў Пятра й Паўла (1747-56).
Former Basilian monastery attached to the church. The Basilians in the Polish Commonwealth were a Greek-Catholic order which flourished after the Union of Brest (1595-96), when the eastern Orthodox church in the Belarusian and Ukrainian lands broke with the Eastern Orthodox church and entered into communion with Rome.
Корпус былога базыльянскага манастыра.