
The Roman Catholic minor basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Budslau is the national Marian shrine of Belarus.  The church and its image of the Mother of God of Budslau are the destination of the annual national Marian pilgrimage at the beginning of July.  On May 11, 2021 the church suffered a terrible fire, which destroyed the roof.  Fortunately, people were able to move the image of the Mother of God of Budslau to safety.  Let us pray for the church’s rapid and complete restoration.


Молімся за Будслаў, за Беларусь.



Roman Catholic minor basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Budslau 2006.

Касьцёл Унебаўзяцьця Найсьвяцейшай Панны Марыі, Будслаў 2006 г.






Image of the Mother of God of Budslau, Budslau 2001.

Абраз Маці Божай Будслаўскай, Будслаў 2001 г.






Singing of the national hymn “Mahutny Bozha” (“O Mighty God”), annual Marian pilgrimage, Budslau 2006.

Магутны Божа падчас урачыстай Сьвятой Імшы, Будслаў 2006 г.






Procession, annual Marian pilgrimage, Budslau 2006.

Працэсія, штогадовая пілігрымка ў Будслаў, Будслаў 2006 г.