Photos of the Day for May 27, 2014

Awaiting the blessing of Easter bread and eggs in the churchyard at the end of the all-night service, Azdamichy 2014.  У чаканьні асьвячэньня кулічоў ды яек на прыканцы ўсяночнай службы, Аздамічы 2014 год.

This year Father Aljaksandr sharply curtailed the normal lengthy break in the middle of the all-night service.  Thus instead of blessing parishioners’ Easter bread and eggs before dawn (which would have meant at approximately 5:20 on April 20), he carried out the blessing more than an hour earlier, just before 4:00 a.m.  Some parishioners arrived late, engendering a sharp and funny rejoinder from Father Aljaksandr and mirth among those who had properly heeded the schedule.