Photo expedition to villages of Iuje District on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday: Tsiunavichy 2016 (V/V).
Фотаэкспедыцыя па вёсках Іўеўшчыны: Ціўнавічы 2016 г. (V/V)
Three examples of master-craftsmanship: wooden mortar, wooden spinning wheel, artisanal basket.
Тры прыклады майстар-штукарства: драўляная ступа, калаўрот, кош.
Local-style gable decoration. As I heard from a proud owner of a similar gable decoration in the next village, a travelling master-carpenter crafted this design for many houses in both villages.
Мясцовае ўпрыгожаньне шчыту. Гаспадар у суседнай вёсцы растлумачыў, што шматлікія людзі ўспрынялі прапанову вандроўніка-столара рабіць упрыгожаньне шчытаў у гэтым стылі.
A hand-crafted wooden window-frame decoration. Ліштва ручной працы.
Watching me photograph the window frame, a neighbor questioned why I would choose such a rustic example and invited me into his yard to show me what he proudly said was a much finer piece of work…
…while his wife watched with amusement.