Ashmjany 2015 (part IV/X): Soviet-era architecture along Savjetskaja Street.
Soviet architecture started out as a project to mirror the Soviet political agenda of destroying the past. However, after an initial spurt of creativity (constructivism, expressionism) in the 1920s, Soviet architecture lost its ability to offer anything of creative merit. For the most part Soviet-era buildings are a reversion to a conservative and hackneyed, if Leviathan, use of classical elements.
Ашмяны 2015 г. (частка IV/X): Савецкая архітэктура, вул. Савецкая.
Soviet-era school, with Lenin’s ponderous dictum on the pediment: “Study, study and study”.
“Учиться, учиться и учиться”
Soviet neo-eclecticism, including constructivist and classical elements.
Будынак у стылі неаэклектыка.
Pharmacy, late Soviet neo-constructivism.
Аптэка ў стылі позні неаканструктывізм.
A harmonious example of neo-constructivism (except for the later addition of a clam-shell entrance in the third photo).
Гарманічны прыклад у стылі неаканструктывізм (акрамя даданага ўваходу).
Late-Soviet nostalgicism.
Будынак у стылі позні настальгізм.