Photos of the Day for November 12, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (V/X):  buildings around the main square.

Ashmjany is fortunate to have retained a good number of late-19th and early 20th-century buildings around the 17th of September main square. 

The square is named for the date in 1939 on which the Red Army attacked Poland from the east in concert with the September 1 Nazi German attack on Poland which started World War II.  The Soviet occupation and annexation of the western Belarusian lands brought 22 months of harsh Soviet repression before the Nazi German attack to the east and vicious occupation from June 1941.

Ашмяны 2015 г. (V/X):  Дойлідства каля цэнтральнай плошчы.



For decades, as in 600 other cities and towns in Belarus, a statue of Lenin stood in occupation on the main square.  This is a photo from 2008.  In 2012 Ashmjany moved the statue to a less prominent part of the city and thus joined a handful of other Belarusian towns which have removed their Lenin monuments.

Правадыр, Ашмяны 2008 г.  Ашмянскі Ленінапад адбыўся ў 2012 г., калі горад перанёс помнік з цэнтральнай плошчы (



Late-19th century (?) covered market, north side of main square.

Стары крыты рынак (позняга 19-га ст.?), паўночны бок цэнтральнай плошчы.



1912 building,north side of main square.

Забудова з 1912 г., паўночны бок цэнтральнай плошчы.



Three examples of turn-of-the-20th-century vernacular architecture inspired by Art Nouveau motifs; north side of the main square.

Тры забудовы з канца 19-га/пачатку 20-га стст. у стылі народнага мадэрну на паўночным баку цэнтральнай плошчы.



Former factory, now the local history museum, northwest corner of the central square.

Былая фабрыка, зараз краязнаўчы музэй.



Another example of turn-of-the-20th-century vernacular architecture inspired by Art Nouveau motifs, northwest corner of the central square opposite the local history museum.

Іншы прыклад местачковай забудовы ў стылі народнага мадэрну, паўночна-заходні рог цэнтральнай плошчы насупраць краязнаўчага музэя.



Former workshop off the western side of the central square.

Былы цэх ля заходняга боку цэнтральнай плошчы.



A line of turn-of-the-20th-century buildings to the south of the main square.

Местачковыя забудовы на поўдні ад цэнтральнай плошчы.

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