Patronal feast of Holy Trinity, Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity, Bjelavusha 2018.
Прастольнае сьвята, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Белавуша 2018 г.
Birch branches.
The use of birch branches to decorate Orthodox churches for Holy Trinity is a syncretic tradition, reflecting a Christian symbol of life, rebirth and the descent of the Holy Spirit with the pre-Christian significance of nubility and fertility.
Бярозавыя галінкі.
Miracle-working icon and relics of St. George from Zograf Monastery on Mount Athos, part of a display which traveled in 2018 from parish to parish in Belarus.
Цудатворны абраз ды мошчы Сьвятога Георгія зь Зографскага манастыра на гары Афон.