Ashmjany 2015 (part II/X): Turn-of-the-20th-century and Pre-World War II architecture along Savjetskaja Street.
Ашмяны 2015 г. (частка II/X): Дойлідства канца 19-га/пачатку 20-га стст. і за польскім часам, вул. Савецкая.
Former hospital (built at the begnning of the 20th century), now the district court house.
Былы шпіталь пачатку 20-га ст., зараз раённы суд.
Polish-era primary school (?).
Былая базавая школа (?) з польскіх часоў.
Typical brick construction (most likely Jewish-built and owned) from the turn of the 20th century.
Тыповая местачковая камяніца з канца 19-га/пачатку 20-га стст.
I paused to chat with this gentleman as he paused in his work of carefully clearing the sidewalk of fallen leaves.
Прыемна пагутарылі са спадарам, які прыбіраў упалае лісьце.
Former house and shop (most likely originally Jewish-owned) from the turn of the 20th century, recently partially covered in plastic siding.
Былы тыповы местачковы дом-крама з канца 19-га/пачатку 20-га стст., недаўна часткова пакрыты сайдынгам.
Well-preserved brick building from the turn of the 20th century.
Добра захаваны местачковы будынак з канца 19-га/пачатку 20-га ст.
Plaque in honor of a Soviet secret policeman active during the period after the September 17, 1939 Soviet invasion of eastern Poland (the western Belarusian lands had been incorporated into interwar Poland) in concert with the Nazi German invasion of Poland from the west. The plaque’s unusually cryptic statement that he “died heroically in 1944” implies he may have been killed by anti-Soviet partisans.
Шыльда ў гонар НКВДзіста, забітага ў 1944 г. (антысавецкімі партызанамі?).