Photos of the Day for October 12, 2015

Photo expedition to Ljel’chytski district (Tonjezh and Bukcha).  Фотавандроўка па Лельчыцкім раёне (Тонеж і Букча).

Polesian oak, Tonjezh 2015. The oak tree is sacred to Belarusians.  Regrettably, the Soviet and post-Soviet policy of “ameliorating” the Polesian (Pripet Marsh) wetlands has led to the loss of many free-standing oaks and oak groves.

Polesians have traditionally used oaks for dugout boats (chovjen – човен) and remains the favored tree in which traditional beekeepers place hollowed-out tree trunks (borts’ – борць) as hives for wild honey bees.

Палескі дуб, Тонеж 2015 г.