Pakrou (Feast of the Protecting Veil of the Holy Mother of God, October 14), Orthodox church of the Protecting Veil, Plotnitsa 2018. I/II
Pakrou is outside the list of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Orthodox liturgical calendar. However, Pakrou remains a major feast and is keenly observed in Belarus. The celebration of Pakrou coincides with the traditional annual end of work in the fields; the feast is celebrated to appeal to the Holy Mother of God for protection, including during the coming winter, and also for fertile ground in the spring.
Пакроў, царква Покрыва Прасьвятой Багародзіцы, Плотніца 2018 г. I/II
Orthodox church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God (Pakrou) 2018.
Царква Покрыва Прасьвятой Багародзіцы 2018 г.
Liturgy (photos from both the October 14 celebration and from the patronal feast, held a day later on October 15).
Фотаздымкі літургіі 14 кастрычніка й прастольнага сьвята 15 кастрычніка.
Children’s communion.
Дзіцячае прычасьце.
Kissing the miraculous icon.
Цалаваньне цудатворнага абраза.
Church choir with Father Mikalaj.
Царкоўны хор з айцам Мікалаем.