Photos of the Day for October 16, 2015

Photo expedition to Ljel’chytski district:  Tonjezh and Bukcha).  Фотавандроўка па Лельчыцкім раёне: Тонеж і Букча.

Churches of Belarus (part CXX):  Orthodox church of the Resurrection, Bukcha 2015.  Цэрквы Беларусі (частка СХХ):  Сьвята-Уваскрасенская царква, Букча 2015 г.

This church, built from 2001 onward, was funded by Father Uladzimir Dorash, a native of Bukcha who serves in the Harodnja (Grodno) eparchate.  Father Uladzimir’s wife Natalja (Наталья Дорош in Russian) is a renowned Belarusian photographer:  see, e.g., a sample of her photos of Bukcha at