Photos of the Day for October 25, 2014

Along the road from Kramjanitsa to Mjensk:  roots of the Belarusian nation.  Па дарозе Крамяніца-Менск:  карані беларускай нацыі.

The Kryvichy dominated a broad swath of territory in the Njoman, Dzvina and upper Dnieper river basins in the early medieval period and were one of the main tribal unions which coalesced into the Belarusian nation.  Reflecting the extent of the Kryvichy’s settlement, a  series of villages from western through northern Belarus bears the ethnonym Kryvichy.  I took these photos in two villages named Kryvichy while returning to Mjensk from the feast of Corpus Christi in Kramjanitsa.

Этноным Крывічы ў заходняй Беларусі.

Old granary, village of Kryvichy (on the river Zal’vanka in the Zel’va District of western Belarus) 2014.  Старое гумно ў в. Крывічы на рацэ Зальвянка (Зэльвенскі раён) 2014 г.

Traditional wooden fence, village of Kryvichy (near the river Njoman in Iuje District of northwestern Belarus).  Традыцыйны плот, Крывічы (каля ракі Нёман, Іўеўскі раён) 2014 г.