Polish cemetery for soldiers fallen in the 1919-21 war against the Bolsheviks, Radashkovichy 2019.
More than 60 Polish-era cemeteries and monuments to Polish soldiers who fell in the war against the Bolsheviks remain in Belarus.
Могілкі польскіх жаўнераў, упалых у 1919-21 вайне супраць бальшавікоў, Радашковічы 2019 г.
In the background is the Roman Catholic cemetery chapel of St. John Nepomuk.
Рыма-каталіцкая могілкавая капліца Сьв. Яна Непамуцкага на фоне.
In the background is the Roman Catholic church of the Holy Trinity.
Касьцёл Сьвятой Тройцы на фоне.