Patronal feast of the Holy Trinity, Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity (III/ VIII), Azdamichy 2017.
Прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы ў царкве Сьвятой Тройцы (III/ VIII), Аздамічы 2017 г.
Children’s communion.
Дзіцячае прычасьце.
Procession. Orthodox processions move counter-clockwise three times around the church, stopping at four points to bless the church and the congregation during the third circuit. In addition, the procession at the church of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy stops first at the grave of beloved former parish priest Aljaksandr Varnitski, who served with great pastoral skill for decades under relentless atheist pressure from the Soviet authorities.
Хросны ход.