On September 17, 1939, in the framework of the secret annex to the Soviet-Nazi Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and while Germany was well into its invasion of Poland from the west, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. The Soviet regime occupied, annexed, and imposed thorough Sovietization on western Belarus in the 21 months before the German invasion of the Soviet Union. Western Belarus had been incorporated into the interwar Republic of Poland under the 1921 Polish-Soviet Treaty of Riga. The Soviets re-imposed their order after pushing the Germans out in 1944.
Sapotskin lies in the very northwest corner of Belarus. In their churchyard the people of Sapotskin have erected three memorials. These photos are from August 15, 2009.
Memorial to 23 unknown Polish soldiers who were killed September 22, 1939/Помнік 23 невядомым польскім салдатам, што загінулі 22.09.39.
Memorial to Victims of Stalinist Repression 1939-1955/Помнік ахвярам сталінскай рэпрэсіі 1939-1955
Memorial to 70 Victims of a June 15, 1944 Nazi Reprisal/Помнік 70 ахвярам націсткай карніцкай аперацыі 15.06.44