Belarus in Faces (part CXLI): Mrs. Hanna Slutskaja, Vjeljamichy 2008 and 2014. Беларусь у тварах (частка CXLI): спадарыня Ганна, Велямічы 2008 і 2014 гг.
In 2008, after attending the church service for Radaunitsa (remembrance day for forefathers, usually celebrated on the ninth day after Easter) in the central Polesian village of Vjeljamichy, I gave Mrs. Slutskaja a ride home. Some time later I took her a copy of the first photo, but then lost contact. As several of us explored Vjeljamichy one early summer evening in 2014, we passed Mrs. Slutskaja sitting on the bench in front of her house. I stopped and we had a warm chat as long-lost friends.
Vjeljamichy 2008. Велямічы 2008 г.
Vjeljamichy 2014. Велямічы 2014 г.