Churches of Belarus (part CX): Roman Catholic church of the Holy Trinity (1907-1914), Shylavichy 2015. This church has one of the tallest spires in Belarus. Shylavichy, like many other parishes, has seen a decline in its rolls as younger people have migrated to cities. However, as in the other parishes in the Vaukavysk diaconate, the parishioners of Shylavichy remains firm in their profession of faith and in the passing of that faith and associated traditions to children and grandchildren.
Касьцёлы Беларусі (частка СХ): касьцёл Сьвятой Тройцы (1907-1914), Шылавічы 2015 г.
Ceremony of first communion (I/VI): last-minute instructions, Shylavichy 2015. Першая сьвятая Камунія (I/VI): апошнія інструкцыі, Шылавічы 2015 г.
Awaiting holy Mass and the ceremony of first communion, Shylavichy 2015. У чаканьні сьвятой Імшы й урачыстасьці першай Камуніі, Шылавічы 2015 г.