Photos of the Day for September 28, 2016

Tenth annual Sporauski scything competition, Vysokaje (Sporauski Wetlands Preserve) 2016.

Who is not mesmerized by the seemingly effortless movements of a good scyther and the rhythmic shik, shik, shik as the blade slices through the grass?  As gasoline-powered cutters have lamentably taken over the work in much of Belarus as in so many other countries, it is still gratifying to come upon a master scyther patiently and methodically at work.

For the past ten years the Sporauski Wetlands Preserve, in Bjaroza District of Bjeras’tsje (Brest) Region in western Belarus, has organized a scything competition to aid in cutting bog grass and thus to attract birds which would otherwise have a tough time feeding themselves in tall and thick uncut grass.  In August 2016, for the second year in a row, the preserve’s competition served as the Belarusian national scything championship.  Twenty-three two-person teams took part.  The competition required each team to cut a one-hundred-meter-long, three-meter-wide swath against the clock; the ten best teams from the first round met in a second and final round.  The ten best scythers also competed in an individual contest.

Дзясятыя штогадовыя Спораўскія сенакосы, Высокае (Спораўскі заказнік) 2016 г.

Другі год запар беларускі нацыянальны чэмпіянат па ручной косьбе праводзіўся ў нізінных балотах Спораўскага заказніку.  Прымалі ўдзел 23 каманды-дуэты.  У спаборніцтве трэба было скасіць як хутчэй і якасна даўжынёй у 100 метраў і шырынёй у тры метры.  Дзесяць найлепшых каманд з першага раўнду спаборнічала на першынство.



Introduction of the scythers.

Прадстаўленьне касцоў.



One of several teams from Pastavy District in northern Belarus.

Адна з каманд з Пастаўскага раёну.


One of two teams of the grandsons of Ivan Zinovich, the mayor of Kakorytsa in Drahichyn District (Polesia)…

Адна з дзвюх каманд унукоў Івана Зіновіча, мэра вёскі Какорыца (Драгічынскі раён)…


…The other team of Ivan Zinovich’s grandsons, Aljaksandr Shykula and Viktar Dashkjevich, who won the team competition.

…Аляксандр Шыкула й Віктар Дашкевіч, другая каманда ўнукоў Івана Зіновіча, якія выйгралі каманднае спаборніцтва.

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