Chasing butterflies, Vjeljamichy 2017.
Some villages, by their setting and the nature of their inhabitants, always lead one into fables and beyond time. Vjeljamichy is such a village. As we took in the bucolic scenes along the shore of Lake Sijatsy under late August light, a little girl dashed into the pasture with a butterfly net. She was delighted to share with us the joy of the hunt and exhilaration of releasing the butterflies she caught.
Мілана ў паляваньні на матылькаў, Велямічы 2017 г.
Then, curious at what we chose to photograph as we moved on…
…she approached and introduced herself: Milana, aged six. With grandmotherly alertness, laconic expression, and practicality, she told us matter-of-factly about her village and her exploits: “And I can climb a tree like a little panda.”
Як бабуля, Мілана (6) нам расказвала спрытна й лаканічна : “…І лазіць па дрэвах, як пандачка.“