Photos of the Day for September 30, 2015

Feast of Mary Magdalene (I/III), Orthodox church of St. Mary Magdalene, Alhomjel’ 2015.  Прастольнае сьвята Сьв. роўнаап. Марыі Магдалены (I/III), царква Сьв. роўнаап. Марыі Магдалены, Альгомель 2015 г.

The central Polesian village of Al’homjel’ has two churches, the classic Polesian wooden church of the Resurrection (1817) and, to accommodate the revival of the parish after the end of Soviet occupation, the church of St. Mary Magdalene (1994).  The August 4 feast of Mary Magdalene is always enthusiastically attended, not only by the parish but also by pilgrims from surrounding villages; a dozen or more priests officiate.

Blessing of the icon of Mary Magdalene.  Асьвячэньне абразу Сьв. роўнаап. Марыі Магдалены.

Children’s communion.  Дзіцячае прычасьце.

Blessing of children.  Дабраслаўленьне дзяцей.