Photos of the Day for February 18, 2017

Old-New Year’s Eve (shchodry vjechar/shchadrets – шчодры вечар/шчадрэц), January 13.  “Koniki” in Davyd-Haradok 2017. Шчодры вечар/шчадрэц:  “конікі“ ў Давыд-Гарадку 2017 г.   Eastern Orthodoxy uses the Old Style (Julian) calendar to determine the liturgical cycle of the year.  Old-New Year’s Day thus falls on January 14.  Belarusians celebrate Old-New Year’s Eve with a tradition of… Continue reading Photos of the Day for February 18, 2017

Photos of the Day for February 17, 2017

Polesia in winter:  oaks along the Tsjerablichy-Machul’ road 2017. Палесьсе ўзімку:  дубы ўздоўж дарогі Цераблічы-Мачуль 2017 г.    

Photo of the Day for February 16, 2017

Polesia in winter.  Patrimony under threat:  allee at the beginning of the Tsjerablichy-Machul’ road 2017.  The Stolin District administration has already cut down other old allees (for instance between Azdamichy and Tsjerablichy), and this particularly graceful stretch appears to be in the administration’s sights as well. Палесьсе ўзімку.  Спадчына пад пагрозай:  алея на пачатку дарогі… Continue reading Photo of the Day for February 16, 2017

Photos of the Day for February 15, 2017

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Candlemas, Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, Meeting of the Lord), Azdamichy 2015. Candlemas, celebrated in Western churches on or about February 2 and in old-style (Julian Calendar) Orthodox churches on February 15, is unusual in that it has both a Christic and a Marian focus.  The lighting… Continue reading Photos of the Day for February 15, 2017