Photo of the Day for October 27, 2017

Last grazing before winter.  Vjeljamichy 2017. The number of privately-owned horses continues to decline slowly in Stolin District as more and more villagers switch to small-scale mechanization. Восеньскія пашы.  Велямічы 2017 г.    

Photos of the Day for October 25, 2017

Last harvest days before Pakrou (feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Mother of God).  It is still a strongly-observed tradition in Belarus to clear the harvest from garden plots and field allotments before the feast of Pakrou on October 14 in order to ensure the the Mother of God’s protection of the land during… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 25, 2017

Photos of the Day for September 28, 2017

Chasing butterflies, Vjeljamichy 2017. Some villages, by their setting and the nature of their inhabitants, always lead one into fables and beyond time.  Vjeljamichy is such a village.  As we took in the bucolic scenes along the shore of Lake Sijatsy under late August light, a little girl dashed into the pasture with a butterfly… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 28, 2017

Photo of the Day for January 6, 2017

Polesia (Pripet Marshes) in winter:  Vjeljamichy 2016 (V/V). Палесьсе ўзімку:  Велямічы 2016 г. (V/V).     Thatched-roof barn.  Surviving examples of barns with this shape roof are rare. Рэдкі прыклад чаротавага даху гэтага тыпу ў добрым стане.         Porch with an unusual design (I have seen one other like it — in… Continue reading Photo of the Day for January 6, 2017

Photos of the Day for January 5, 2017

Polesia (Pripet Marshes) in winter:  Vjeljamichy 2016 (IV/V). Палесьсе ўзімку:  Велямічы 2016 г. (IV/V).   Portraits of Polesia:  Ivan. Busy in his yard, Ivan saw us photographing and paused to chat briefly about the geese, the weather, and photography.  He kindly let me take his portrait. Партрэты Палесься:  спадар Іван.    

Photos of the Day for January 4, 2017

Polesia (Pripet Marshes) in winter:  Vjeljamichy 2016 (III/V). Палесьсе ўзімку:  Велямічы 2016 г. (III/V).     Geese on the lake. Гусі на возеры.

Photos of the Day for January 3, 2017

Polesia (Pripet Marshes) in winter:  Vjeljamichy 2016 (II/V). Палесьсе ўзімку:  Велямічы 2016 г. (II/V).   Summer barns across Lake Sijatsy. Летнія адрыны на другім беразе возера Сіяцы.     Goose tracks on the lake. Гусіныя сляды.