After the blessing of Easter baskets on Holy Saturday, Roman Catholic parish of Christ the Savior, Mjensk 2009. Пасьля асьвячэньня велікодных страў у Вялікую суботу, рыма-каталіцкая парафія Хрыста Збаўцы, Менск 2009 г.
Tag: Вялікая Субота
Photos of the Day for May 1, 2021
Homeward bound after blessing of parishioners’ Easter bread on Orthodox Holy Saturday. Azdamichy 2012. Orthodox Easter falls on May 2 in 2021. It is a tradition in many parishes for the priest to bless parishioners’ Easter bread in the afternoon of Holy Saturday. This practice was all the more prevalent in Azdamichy in eastern part… Continue reading Photos of the Day for May 1, 2021
Photos of the Day for April 30, 2021
Blessing of parishioners’ Easter bread on Orthodox Holy Saturday. Azdamichy 2012. Orthodox Easter falls on May 2 in 2021. It is a tradition in many parishes for the priest to bless parishioners’ Easter bread in the afternoon of Holy Saturday. This practice was all the more prevalent in Azdamichy in eastern part of Stolin District… Continue reading Photos of the Day for April 30, 2021
Photo of the Day for April 29, 2021
Orthodox “Carrying out of the Winding-Cloth” or Vynos Plashchanitsy (Вынос Плашчаніцы) during Holy Saturday Matins (Plashchanitsa). Church of the Transfiguration, Astryna 2008. For the procession during the matins service the priest carries the icon of the Holy Shroud (Plashchanitsa) in a frame above his head. Вынос Плашчаніцы пры ютрані. Вялікая субота, царква Праабражэньня Гасподняга,… Continue reading Photo of the Day for April 29, 2021
Photos of the Day for June 6, 2019
Preparing the church for the all-night Easter service, Azdamichy 2019. Прыборка царквы для ўсяночнай пасхальнай службы, Аздамічы 2019 г. Men of the parish remove the black lace of mourning for the death of Jesus and drape the crucifixion icon with white lace in anticipation of Easter. As the scene developed it reminded me of… Continue reading Photos of the Day for June 6, 2019
Photos of the Day for June 4, 2019
Orthodox Holy Saturday matins and procession with the icon of the Winding Cloth (Lamentation at the Tomb — Plashchanitsa), Azdamichy 2019. Вялікая субота, Аздамічы 2019 г. To mark the death of Christ and his repose in the tomb, the priest sets up a temporary altar table, an altar of repose (the symbolic tomb of… Continue reading Photos of the Day for June 4, 2019
Photo of the Day for June 3, 2019
Holy Saturday, Azdamichy 2019. Велікая субота, Аздамічы 2019 г.
Orthodox Holy Saturday (Plashchanitsa) / Вялікая субота (Плашчаніца)
Orthodox Holy Saturday Matins (Lamentation at the Tomb — Plashchanitsa), Azdamichy 2018. To mark the death of Christ and his repose in the tomb, the priest sets up a temporary altar table, an altar of repose (the symbolic tomb of Christ), toward the rear of the nave. The priest — Father Aljaksandr in Azdamichy —… Continue reading Orthodox Holy Saturday (Plashchanitsa) / Вялікая субота (Плашчаніца)
Photos of the Day for May 19, 2018
Holy Week and Eastertide in Polesia (I/XII). Страсны (русальны) тыдзень і сьветлы тыдзень на Палесьсі (I/XII). Orthodox Holy Saturday 2018. Lamentation at the Tomb (Plashchanitsa — Плашчаніца) and Annunciation (Dabravjeshchan’nje — Дабравешчаньне), Tsjerablichy and Azdamichy 2018. Whenever Orthodox Easter falls on April 8, as in 2018, then Holy Saturday, April 7, coincides with the… Continue reading Photos of the Day for May 19, 2018
Orthodox Holy Saturday / Вялікая субота (Плашчаніца)
Orthodox Holy Saturday Matins (Lamentation at the Tomb — Plashchanitsa), Azdamichy 2016. To mark the death of Christ and his repose in the tomb, the priest sets up a temporary altar table, an altar of repose (the symbolic tomb of Christ), toward the rear of the nave. The priest — Father Aljaksandr in Azdamichy —… Continue reading Orthodox Holy Saturday / Вялікая субота (Плашчаніца)