Orthodox Easter morning service, Rubel’ 2014. Велікодная служба, Рубэль (Рубель) 2014 г. Easter morning procession. Велікодны хросны ход. Church choir. Царкоўны хор. Parishioners. Прыхаджане.
Tag: church processions
Photo of the Day for June 24, 2019
Easter Monday (Bright Monday) service, Azdamichy 2019. Сьветлы панядзелак, Аздамічы 2019 г. Church procession. In the Orthodox Christian tradition the procession proceeds counterclockwise three times around the church. On the third circuit the procession stops at the four cardinal points for readings from the Gospels and blessing of the church and the congregation with… Continue reading Photo of the Day for June 24, 2019
Photos of the Day for November 5, 2018
Procession, Patronal Feast of the Holy Trinity, Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, Bjelavusha 2018. Хрэсны ход, прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Белавуша 2018 г.