In memory of the outstanding Belarusian artist, graphic designer, writer and patriot Uladzimir Krukouski (March 6, 1937 – April 3, 2022).
Among many other achievements, Uladzimir Krukouski co-designed the official state symbol, which included the depiction of the ancient Belarusian and Grand Duchy of Lithuania Pahonja, used from 1991 until replaced in 1995 with a neo-Soviet variant by the regime of the incumbent-for-life.
Condolences to his family, friends, fellow countrymen. May he rest in peace.
Ва ўспамін выдатнага беларускага мастака, графіка, пісьменніка, патрыёта Ўладзіміра Крукоўскага (6 сакавіка 1937 – 3 красавіка 2022).
Спачуваньні сям’і, сябрам, суайчыннікам. Сьветлая яму памяць.
Selections from a 2015 exhibitions of posters by Uladzimir Krukouski at the Pruzhany Museum.
Выбар з выставы плакатаў Уладзіміра Крукоўскага ў Пружанскім музеі, Пружаны 2015 г.
“Bilingualism”. A poster showing the odious result of the occupying Soviet regime’s policy of re-Russification: re-imposing Russian — the language of empire — on Belarus as a co-official state language has led to the domination of the Russian letter i (и) over the native Belarusian i (i). The current regime in Belarus reimposed this mephitic policy in 1995.
“Weapon of Mass Destruction” (the sledgehammer of Stalin and Stalinism as Joseph Stalin’s book “Questions of Leninism”).