Photos of the Day for November 26, 2017

Architectural patrimony of Belarus:  houses of the inter-war period, Vaukavysk 2017.

Belarus suffered significant loss of its architectural patrimony under Soviet rule and has continued to lose its patrimony under Soviet ways of thinking since 1991.  It si thus always a pleasure to find surviving examples of pre-World War II vernacular styles.   Here is a selection of dwellings in Vaukavysk, a district center in western Belarus, built during the interwar years when western Belarusian lands were incorporated into the Second Polish Republic.

Народная архітэктурная спадчына Беларусі:  даваеннае жыльлё ў Ваўкавыску 2017.


This house’s current owner, who uses the left-hand side of the building as an electronics repair workshop, told me his grandfather built the original, central, part in 1929.

Дом 1929 года, вул. Суворава.



Pre-war house.

Даваенны дом, вул. Суворава.



House in the interwar Zakopane style, which evolved as part of the Polish search for a national style.

Дом у закапаньскім стылі, вул. Кутузава.



Multi-family dwelling from the 1930s.

Жыльлё польскіх часоў, вул. Савецкая.



Post-World War I (?) multi-family dwelling.

Местачковая забудова першых дзесяцягігоддзяў (?) 20-га ст., вул. Савецкая.



Constructivist-style dwelling (1930s?).

Жыльлё ў стылі канструктывізма, вул. Савецкая.

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