Photos of the Day for November 20, 2016

Polish-era Functionalist and Zakopane style architecture in Harodnja (Grodno) 2016, part I/X:  Vorstadt. We turn again to Belarus’ patrimony of Polish-era functionalist and Zakopane-style architecture, previously featured in photos of Hlybokaje (September 18-19, 2016), Braslau (September 17, 2016 and September 29, 2015), and Pinsk (April 24, 2016).  It was a pleasure to be able to… Continue reading Photos of the Day for November 20, 2016

Photo of the Day for November 19, 2016

Tsjerablichy-Machul’ road in October fog.  Tsjerablichy 2014. Дарога Цераблічы-Мачуль у кастрычніцкім тумане 2014 г.  

Photos of the Day for November 17, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (X/X):  Ruins of Franciscan church and Calvary Hill. Ашмяны 2015 г. (X/X):  Руіны касьцёла францысканаў ды Кальварыя.     Franciscan church (1822). Касьцёл францысканаў (1822 г.).   Calvary Hill; local Roman Catholic parishioners began to place crosses on this hill behind the Franciscan church shortly after Belarus gained its independence in 1991. Кальварыя… Continue reading Photos of the Day for November 17, 2016

Photos of the Day for November 16, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (IX/X):  right bank of the River Ashmjanka. Ашмяны 2015 г. (IX/X):  правы бераг р. Ашмянка.     Electric power station (1927) on the site of an older wooden mill. Электрастанцыя (1927 г.).     River Ashmjanka. Рака Ашмянка.

Photos of the Day for November 15, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (VIII/X):  Roman Catholic church and former synagogue (now a warehouse).  Ашмяны 2015 г. (VIII/X):   касьцёл і былаф сінагога (зараз склад).     Churches of Belarus (part CLVIX):  Roman Catholic church of the Archangel Michael (1900-1910).  This church is an elegant copy of the 18th-century Vilnius baroque style.     Synagogue (1912?  Closed in… Continue reading Photos of the Day for November 15, 2016

Photos of the Day for November 14, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (VII/X):  traditional decorated wooden window frames (lishtvy). Wooden window frames may have a purely decorative purpose, as here, or may contain symbols designed to ward off evil and bad luck. Ашмяны 2015 г. (VII/X):  ліштвы.  Пра беларускую традыцыю ліштваў гл. выдатнае відэа краязнаўца Алеся Гізуна:    

Photos of the Day for November 13, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (VI/X):  side streets. Ашмяны 2015 г. (VI/X):  бакавыя вуліцы.   Old house on Mickiewicz Street. Старая хата на вул. Міцькевіча.     Polish-era (1928) workshop. Цэх з польскіх часоў (1928 г.)

Photos of the Day for November 12, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (V/X):  buildings around the main square. Ashmjany is fortunate to have retained a good number of late-19th and early 20th-century buildings around the 17th of September main square.  The square is named for the date in 1939 on which the Red Army attacked Poland from the east in concert with the September 1… Continue reading Photos of the Day for November 12, 2016

Photos of the Day for November 11, 2016

Ashmjany 2015 (part IV/X):  Soviet-era architecture along Savjetskaja Street.  Soviet architecture started out as a project to mirror the Soviet political agenda of destroying the past.  However, after an initial spurt of creativity (constructivism, expressionism) in the 1920s, Soviet architecture lost its ability to offer anything of creative merit.  For the most part Soviet-era buildings… Continue reading Photos of the Day for November 11, 2016