Photos of the Day for January 19, 2010: Vadokhryshcha II

Orthodox Epiphany II/Вадохрышча (Частка ІІ) Given the 13-day difference between the Western Christian and Orthodox Christian calendars, Epiphany — Vadokhryshcha, the day marking the Baptism of Christ and the end of Christmastide — falls on January 19 in the Orthodox cycle of the year.  The focus of Vadokhryshcha is the blessing of water (symbol of… Continue reading Photos of the Day for January 19, 2010: Vadokhryshcha II

Photos of the Day for January 18, 2010: Vadokhryshcha I

Orthodox Epiphany I/Вадохрышча (Частка І) Given the 13-day difference between the Western Christian and Orthodox Christian calendars, Epiphany — Vadokhryshcha, the day marking the Baptism of Christ and the end of Christmastide — falls on January 19 in the Orthodox cycle of the year.  The focus of Vadokhryshcha is the blessing of water (symbol of… Continue reading Photos of the Day for January 18, 2010: Vadokhryshcha I

Photos of the Day for January 17, 2010

In  honor of Belarusan musicians I/Беларускія музыкі (Частка І) Andrej Malakovich and Ina Pjerasjetskaja-Malakovich/Андрэй Малаковіч і Іна Перасецкая-Малаковіч With their wistful yet solemn lyricism, and performances both ethereal and grounded in Belarus’ troubadour and folk-song tradition, Andrej and Ina are among the best musicians in Belarus today. These photos come from national poet Ryhor Baradulin’s… Continue reading Photos of the Day for January 17, 2010

Photos of the Day for January 16, 2010: The Extraordinary in the ‘Ordinary’ I

The extraordinary in the “ordinary”/Надзвычайнае ў “звычайным“ Master of the House-Mistress of the House/Хозяін-Хозяйка In my travels I have been struck by the strength of partnership and the delicate balance of wills and expectations in many Belarusan village marriages, where a man and his wife understand that each has authority in specific spheres of their… Continue reading Photos of the Day for January 16, 2010: The Extraordinary in the ‘Ordinary’ I

Announcement of Upcoming Photo Series

On January 16 begins periodic publication of series of photos under the general theme “Belarusanness:  The Extraordinary in the ‘Ordinary’”.  The first series is entitled “Master of the House/Mistress of the House”.  These series will highlight traditions and other elements of everyday Belarusan life (e.g., The Lintel, The Bench, The Yard, Hands) which many… Continue reading Announcement of Upcoming Photo Series

Photos of the Day for January 15, 2010

In honor of Belarusan bards I:  Aljes’ Kamotski/Беларускія барды (Частка І):  Алесь Камоцкі With his quiet, wry wit, sometimes tinged with melancholy, and his intuitive talents as a poet and composer, Aljes’ Kamotski is one of the outstanding bards of Belarus.  Born in 1958 in the central Belarusan city of Barysau, Kamotski has won a… Continue reading Photos of the Day for January 15, 2010

Announcement of Upcoming Photo Series

On January 16 begins periodic publication of series of photos under the general theme “Belarusanness:  The Extraordinary in the ‘Ordinary’”.  The first series is entitled “Master of the House/Mistress of the House”.  These series will highlight traditions and other elements of everyday Belarusan life (e.g., The Lintel, The Bench, The Yard, Hands) which many… Continue reading Announcement of Upcoming Photo Series

Photo of the Day for January 13, 2010

Horses I/Коні (частка І) Horses still play a vital role for transport and field work in village and farm life in Belarus.  Indeed, many Belarusans I know consider their horses to be members of the family. Dunilavichy 2009, with the Church of the Holy Trinity (1773) in the background/Дунілавічы 2009 год Orthodox St. George’s Day… Continue reading Photo of the Day for January 13, 2010