Photo excursion through Baranavichy District, winter 2020: Bjarozauka, Drahabyl’lje, Staryja Vojkavichy, Torchytsy, Stalovichy, Vjalikaja Kaupjenitsa
Зімовая фотавандроўка па Баранавіцкім раёне 2020 г.: Бярозаўка, Драгабыльле, Старыя Войкавічы, Торчыцы, Сталовічы, Вялікая Каўпеніца
Monument to soldiers of the Polish Army’s 78th (Slutsk) Regiment fallen in 1920 during the 1919-21 war against the Bolsheviks.
In a massive assault in the summer of 1920, the Bolshevik armies broke through Polish lines roughly along the 28th meridian in eastern Belarus. Against stubborn but outmanned Polish resistance, the Bolsheviks pushed westward almost to Warsaw until, with the “Miracle on the Vistula”, the Poles shattered the Bolshevik campaign. The monument and cemetery in Bjarozauka is one of more than five dozen cemeteries of Polish soldiers who fell in that war, mostly during the bitterly-fought retreat in 1920.
Помнік жаўнерам 78-га палка (Слуцкіх стральцоў) Войска Польскага ўпалім у вайне супраць бальшавікоў у 1920 г.
Trees felled by a recent violent storm.
Дрэвы зьбітыя нядаўнай бурай.
World War I German trench (?).
Нямецкая акоп Першай сусьветнай вайны (?).