Survey of the architectural patrimony of Maladzjechna 2015 (IV/VIII): Soviet post-World War II housing architecture.
Except for a brief period of constructivist experimentation in the 1920s, Soviet architecture left a mostly dismal patrimony: buildings and spaces contemptuous of the human scale; dreary pre-fab blocks; kitschy, spoglia-like recycling of classical elements after having brutally rejected the western tradition from which these elements came.
Yet from time to time one comes across buildings and spaces conceived on a human scale. One such example is a neighborhood of two-story apartment buildings along Markava and Masherava Streets, to the north of the former Polish garrison. These apartments appear to have been built in the 1950s, perhaps for privileged managers and communist party members. In any event they create a pleasant ensemble.
Экспедыцыя па архітэктурнай спадчыне Маладзечна 2015 г. (IV/VIII): Савецкыя шматкватэрныя жылыя дамы 50-ых гадоў ХХ ст.
Па вуліцах Машэрава й Маркава на поўначы ад былога польскага гарнізону месцяцца серыя жылыя дамы ў чалавечым маштабе з эпохі перад уварваньнем хрушчовак.
Markava 4. Вул. Маркава 4.
Markava 6. Вул. Маркава 6.
Markava 8 (1954-55?). Вул. Маркава 8 (1954-55 гг.?)
Masherava 11. Вул. Машэрава 11.
Masherava 13. Вул. Машэрава 13.
Masherava 15. Вул. Машэрава 15.