Photos of the Day for January 18, 2010: Vadokhryshcha I

Orthodox Epiphany I/Вадохрышча (Частка І)

Given the 13-day difference between the Western Christian and Orthodox Christian calendars, Epiphany — Vadokhryshcha, the day marking the Baptism of Christ and the end of Christmastide — falls on January 19 in the Orthodox cycle of the year.  The focus of Vadokhryshcha is the blessing of water (symbol of the Baptism), whether collected from a river or sacred well or spring, the site of which often was holy even in pre-Christian times.  Observance begins Vadokhryshcha Eve, the 18th, as people bring their water to the church to have it blessed.

Vadokhryshcha Eve, Monastery of St. Elizabeth, Mjensk-Navinki 2007/Напярэдадні Вадохрышча, Менск-Навінкі 2007 год

Vadokhryshcha Eve, Lahojsk 2009/Напярэдадні Вадохрышча, Лагойск 2009 год

1 comment

  1. Дзякуй Вам вялікі, спадар Джон, за ўсе гэтыя цудоўныя здымкі. Неверагодна прыгожа і проста.

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