Photos of the Day for January 8, 2017

Disappearing patrimony.  Tsjerablichy 2010-2016.

Several factors have put steadily increasing pressure on Belarus’ once rich patrimony of traditional village and farm architecture.  Villages continue to lose younger generations to cities and families give up their cows, thus lessening the need for large barns.  Crafts associated with traditional architecture (thatching, carpentry, stove-building) have disappeared as fashions change and as cheaper building materials (silicate bricks, plastic siding) become readily available.  It thus becomes too expensive and time-consuming for many people to preserve thatch roofs and log buildings.

Nevertheless, it is regrettable to see the patrimony disappear.


Спадчына, якая знікае на вачах.  Цераблічы 2010-2016 гг.



A beautiful example of a thatched-roof barn with two storks’ nests, 2010.

Цудоўны прыклад хлява з чаротавым дахам і двума кубламі, 2010 г.



By late 2011 the barn’s eastern-facing gable had collapsed…

Напрыканцы 2011 года ўсходні франтон разваліўся…



From 2012-2016 the barn held on…

З 2012 па 2016 гг. хлеў трымаўся…



…However, in the fall of 2016 the barn’s owner decided to dismantle the structure.

…Аднак увосень 2016 г. гаспадыня вырашыла яго разабраць.



This barn was a favorite photographic subject from 2009 onward owing not only to its finely-preserved roof structure and thatch, but also to the magnificent storks’ nest at one end.  This is a photo from early 2013.

З 2009-га года вельмі падабалася здымаць гэтую адрыну з-за яе добра захаванага чаротавага даху й велізарнага кубла.  Вось здымак ад 2013-га года.



Unfortunately the weight of the storks’ nest put such strong pressure on the roof that the owner had the nest knocked down in 2015 to lessen the weight.  The storks rebuilt a nest in 2016, but the roof beams had already begun to collapse, as is visible in this photo from December 2016.  The owner decided to have the roof and much of the support structure dismantled just before the new year.  This photo shows the barn in December 2016 just before it was dismantled.

Шкада, што цяжкяя вага кубла нагрузіла ўжо аслабленыя бэлькі адрыны.  У рэшце рэшт перад новым годам прабабулечка гаспадынька папрасіла сваіх суседзяў, каб разабралі адрыну.  Гэты здымак паказвае стан забудовы ў снежні 2016 г. напярэдадні дэмантажа.

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