Expedition to the concentration of ethnotoponyms (ethnically-, tribally- or geographically-related toponyms) around the district center of Ljakhavichy (Ляхавічы) in western Belarus (part XI): Litouka (Літоўка).
There are almost two score villages in Belarus with names derived from the presence of Lits’vins. The name originally referred to a Baltic group but came to signify a shared identity among citizens of Belarusian, Lithuanian or Polish descent in the area of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which makes up much of central-western and northwestern Belarus and of southwestern Lithuania. Litouka literally means a Lits’vin woman.
Lying on a back-country road, the village of Litouka in Ljakhavichy District is now much reduced in population. Some of the outlying houses are now swalowed up by encroaching woodlands, but other houses remain well-tended.
Вандроўка па этнатапонімах вакол Ляхавічаў (частка ХІ): Ятвезь, Вялікая Лотва, Літва, Туркі, Сакуны, Ляхавічы, Русінавічы, Жомайдзь (Клецкі р.), Мазуркі, Цыгань, Літоўка (Ляхавіцкі р.), Русіно.
Litouka 2014. Літоўка 2014 г.