Belarus in Faces (part CXXXIX): Feast of the Resurrection, Al’homjel’ 2014. Al’homjel’ celebrates its annual feast of the Resurrection for three days, culminating in a major liturgy on Easter Tuesday (April 22 in 2014).
Беларусь у тварах (частка СХХХІХ): сьвяток Уваскрашэньня, Альгомель 2014 год. Альгомель сьвяткуе Вялікдзень на працягу трох дзён, з прастольным сьвятам у Сьветлы аўторак.
Grandmother and granddaughter. Бабуля з унучкай.
Tending the candles and candle-holders is an important part of lay participation in any Orthodox service.