Photos of the Day for September 15, 2016

Braslau architectural patrimony 2016 (III/V):  Braslau cemetery.  Unfortunately the countrywide mania for cutting down cemetery trees reached Braslau several years ago, and the resulting lack of shade has — predictably — led to the rapid and choking growth of weeds, grasses and bushes.

Архітэктурная спадчына Браслава 2016 (III/V):  браслаўскія могілкі.  Шкада, што таксама браслаўскія могілкі заразіліся бензапільным шаленствам, з прадказальнымі наступствамі наконт выбучу пустазельля.


Late 19th-/early-20th century gate.

Брама з прыканца 19-га/пачатку 20-га стст.



Family tomb from the late 19th century.

Сямейная пахавальня з прыканца 19-га ст.



Graves of a husband and wife and their infant daughter who died at the age of five months.  These tombstones are notable for being written in Belarusian rather than Russian or Polish.



Monument to Polish soldiers who fell in the Polish-Bolshevik War (1919-20).

Помнік польскім жаўнерам, загінулым у Польска-бальшавіцкай вайне (1919-20 гг.).



Grave of an unknown Polish soldier who fell in the Polish-Bolshevik War (1919-20).

Магіла невядомага польскага жаўнера, загінулага ў Польска-бальшавіцкай вайне (1919-20).



Graves of soldiers from the Russian imperial army who died in the First World War.  The first photo shows mass graves, the usual way the Russians buried their dead soldiers.  In contrast the imperial German and Austrian armies buried most of their dead in individual graves.  The second and third photos show what are most likely individual graves, although it is exceptionally difficult to say for certain, since the inscriptions have worn away.  The gravestones are in the same shape as horizontal German gravestones from German cemeteries along the Eastern Front.  It is important to note that, in the Belarusian territories incorporated into the second Polish Republic (1918-39), the Polish war-grave authorities took scrupulous care in reburying German and Russian remains and in marking their graves, and tending their cemeteries, with proper dignity.

Брацкія могілкі салдатаў рускага імперскага войска, загінулых у Першай сусьветнай вайне.


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