Braslau Lakes region: Ikazn’ 2016.
Браслаўскія азёры: Іказнь 2016 г.
Moose off the Slabodka-Ikazn’ road. It was such a surprise to see this young moose in an open field that I forgot to change to a telephoto lens. The moose, curious about the car, followed on a parallel track before cutting across the road just in front of the car — as moose are wont to do — and stopped again to gaze at the car from a safe distance on the other side.
Лось уздоўж дарогі Слабодка-Іказнь.
Field of grain near Ikazn’.
Над в. Іказнь.
Ikazn’ from the north.
Від на Іказнь з поўначы.
Churches of Belarus (part CLXXXI): Roman Catholic church of Corpus Christi (1906-12).
Касьцёлы Беларусі (частка CLXXXI): касьцёл Божага Цела (1906-12 гг.).
Churches of Belarus (part CLXXXII): Orthodox church of St. Nicholas (1905).
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CLXXXII): царква Сьвятога Мікалая (1905 г.).
Ikazn’ from the southeast.
Від на Іказнь з паўднёва-усходу.